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May’s Newsletter

Living.MAY.2015.inddFor your enjoyment –> Download PDF

April Newsletter

Living.April.2015April’s Newsletter is here. Download the PDF >

Results from neighborhood meeting on re-zoning

The results are IN from the North City Park neighborhood meeting regarding the re-zoning application for the old Y at 3540 E 31st.   After verifying and re-verifying (for duplicate addresses and final email voting submitted by the deadline).

In favor of three-story rezoning: 28 (57%)
Opposed: 21 (43%)

Therefore, the NCP Civic Assn Board will write a letter of support for the re-zoning application.  Please understand that this vote was one piece of the decision.  The Board and neighborhood have been involved in a process regarding this property for five years.  The results of the visioning were also considered by the Board.

THANK YOU to everyone who showed up.  We had a great, thoughtful, and civil question & answer session with the potential developer.  Thank you to Guinness Development http://www.guinessdev.com for coming to show the potential site plan and answer questions.

The NCPCA Board will keep the neighbor apprised of dates for public comment throughout the application process.  Watch Facebook, Nextdoor, and the newsletter for details.

Garden Fest 2015

2015 pre fest flyerWe are getting back to our roots for this year’s May 9th Garden Fest. Lots of focus on education and neighbor sharing. So far, we have neighbors and experts on Permaculture, bionutrient soil enhancements, ground prep, container gardens, and more.

Bring your transplants to share and spend the day at the Park with you family and a picnic!


A vote on the proposed zoning change of the old YMCA

The North City Park Civic Assn board is calling a meeting of the neighborhood to vote on the proposed zoning change of the old YMCA to S-MU-3, which would allow for 3-story townhomes to be sold in a range of $250K-$500K.  The developer will have an example of a site plan to show.  Please come out to voice your opinion, in favor or not, and get your questions answered.  This meeting is just to determine the level of support from the neighborhood.  The actually zoning change will occur by a vote of the City Council.

Denver Museum of Nature and Science
enter at the employee door just left of main entrance
Thursday, March 12,
6:30 pm